說明內容 | 詳細描述 |
測試原理 | 滴定計數法: |
目測法 | |
不含危險特質,不會產生環境污染 | |
價格經濟 | |
使用方便 | |
具有更高的靈敏度和**性 | |
由于分開滴定試劑,顏色變化更為明顯 | |
試劑瓶上清楚的標有用量說明 | |
測試方法 | 1、在取樣試管中加入樣品溶液 |
2、加入指示試劑混合均勻 | |
3、 逐滴加入滴定溶液 | |
4、直到指示劑發生顏色變化 | |
注計算滴數:1 滴=1 個測量單位,例如:1 °d |
Colorimetric determination of nitrite
Inacidic solution sulphanilic acid or sulphanilamide are diazotised with nitrite. The diazonium salt is then coupled with an aromatic amine, forming an intensely coloured azo dye. Organic colloids, chlorine, humic acids and coloured heavy metal ions interfere.(Reaction principle analogous to APHA 4500-NO2-B, EPA 35.1, DIN EN 26777-D10)
Data and ordering information
In surface waters nitrite ions are generally present in low concentrations. Their presence in ground water is less common. In waste waters nitrite frequently occurs, even in fairly high concentrations.